What does it means to dream Afraid?


Afraid – Being afraid in a dream means that something in your life is controlling you or has power over you. The exact meaning of this dream depends largely on the symbolism of the object feared. If you fear another person, it means that that person in some way threatens your sense of self-worth, security or identity. This is true especially if the person who is feared is someone close to you – a parent or family member, for instance. If you fear a thing or circumstance, you ought to look up the thing that you fear in order to understand this dream better. If you fear yourself hurting another person or thing, this indicates a feeling that you are not in control of your own actions or destiny. Either another person is exerting his or her influence over you, preventing you from acting of your own volition, or you are for some reason afraid to take actions because you are unwilling to accept their consequences.