What does it means to dream Disaster?


Natural or Man Made Disasters Dream Symbol – Dreams of confronting natural or manmade disasters often come at times of crisis. There may be something in your real life that is building in urgency or a crisis is already unfolding. This dream represents the chaotic feelings and fear as the situation unfolds. The message may be that you simply need to ride this out, doing the best you can in the circumstances, to survive. To make it through. Dreaming about a disaster is almost always a precognition about something that is heading your way in the near future. However, different disasters mean different things. Manmade disasters in your dreams refer to controllable events (controllable by you or someone else) that are to come. Natural disasters represent uncontrollable problems. Disasters relating to fire symbolize social problems. Water represents spiritual problems. Earthquakes or disasters relating to earth or rocks represent physical problems that are on their way. Wind related disasters like tornadoes and hurricanes are representative of financial problems to come. Disasters that have to do with falling objects symbolize mental or intellectual problems.